Services - Transportation
Rushco provides flexible transportation solutions that will get your goods where they need to go. We can marry less-than-truckload shipments to take advantage of consolidation savings. We can provide expedited service for your time-sensitive deliveries. We also provide expedited service and/or equipment for your exclusive use.
Shipping across borders? We go to Canada and provide Interline service to Mexico.
We Specialize In:
- Over dimensional shipments
- Export crating services
- Routing and handling of super loads
- State permitting and escort services
- Service to and from ALL piers
Call us at 800-255-7563 or email
"We move almost anything
almost anywhere"
Rushco Services, Inc., 196 Leicester Street, North Oxford, Massachusetts 01537 - 508-892-7680 - 800-255-7563
©2018 Rushco Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved